“6 Month Plan” for Sept.-Dec. 2013

As I was meditating tonight after cleaning the kitchen and starting a new core workout routine, my plan for the rest of the year came to me. While I want to carry forward the momentum of the my last 6 Month Plan (Jan.-June 2013), I have new areas in my life I want to focus on. (And yes, it’s not a true 6 months. I just like keeping myself to the schedule of Jan.-June and Sept.-Dec. Hard to believe 2014 is creeping up on us, but I know when it’s here I’ll wonder where the time went. Here’s hoping it’s at least well spent!)

  1. Physical: Complete a workout routine at least 3 times a week. Stretch after each workout. Enjoy the outdoors at least once every two weeks (e.g., hiking, going to the beach).
  2. Career/Education: Continue checking job postings at least twice a week. Apply to at least one job a week. Interview at least once a month. Aim to have job relating to conservation/ecology/environment by October 12. If not, apply to local “filler” jobs (e.g., Home Depot, Yogurtland). Update contacts at UC Davis and UCLA about plans by October 31.

Along with these two I continue my dedication to this blog, my personal growth, and my relationships. However, the commitment I am making and holding myself to are the two outlined above. Updates to come!

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